Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

menghitung / kalkulasi Sumarization Route

Ada tiga steps untuk dapat menghitung ip network sumarization agar routing table di isp anda tidak menjadi besar.


list network anda dengan binary format :

steps2. maching kan / samakan bit 1 di network terakhir anda dan tarik garis vertikal ya. contoh gambar :

Step 3.

sekarang binarynya menjadi : 10101100.000101 ( lihat paling bawah pada gambar steps2) nah sekarang tambahkan bit 0 di akhirnya .. menjadi 10101100.00010100 .atau 172.20.0. /14 easy bukan ??

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Berkirim File Terenkripsi ke PC Lain

Setelah file dienkripsi dengan cara yang sudah kami tunjukkan (lihat “Mengamankan File dan Folder”), otomatis file telah terkunci dan tidak bisa dibuka oleh pengguna manapun. Jika kebetulan Anda ingin mengirimkan salah satu file yang terenkripsi, otomatis Anda harus mengekspor sertifikat enkripsi pribadi Anda dari PC asal dan kemudian mengimpornya ke PC lain.

Berikut adalah cara mengekspor sertifikat Anda:
1. Klik [Start] > [Control Panel] > [Network and Internet] > [Internet Options] untuk membuka Internet Options.
2. Di jendela Internet Options, klik tab [Content].
3. Pada bagian Certificates, klik tombol [Certificates] setelah itu pilih kunci enkripsi Anda dan pilih tombol [Export…].
4. Di wisaya yang muncul, klik Next, lalu pilih [Yes export the private key] dan klik [Next] sekali lagi.
5. Berikan tanda cek di semua opsi yang tersedia, kemudian klik [Next].
6. Masukkan password untuk sertifikat tersebut dan klik [Next] lagi.
7. Kali ini, tentukan lokasi dan nama file dari sertifikat tersebut di kolom File name. Tentunya Anda harus mengklik [Next] lagi untuk melanjutkan.
8. Klik [Finish] untuk memulai proses ekspor sertifikat.

Setelah sertifikat jadi, pindahkan ke komputer lain. Di komputer lain, lakukan langkah berikut:
9 Ulangi langkah 1 sampai 3. Hanya saja kali ini klik tombol Import. The Certificate Import Wizard akan muncul. Klik [Next] untuk melanjutkan.
10 Tunjukkan lokasi file sertifikat yang tadi Anda ekspor kemudian klik [Next].
11 Masukan password yang Anda berikan pada saat Anda mengekspornya dan kemudian klik [Next].
12 Klik [Place All Certificates in The Following Store] kemudian klik [Browse] untuk membuka kotak dialog The Select Certificate Store. Pilih [Personal] dan klik [OK].
13 Klik [Next] dan kemudian klik [Finish].

Sumber: PCplus

Cari: Berapa Persen Gaji yang Mesti Ditabung?

KOMPAS.com — Pendapatan bulanan harus diatur sedemikian rupa agar Anda bisa hidup nyaman, tanpa banyak beban. Sekaligus juga memastikan bahwa masa depan Anda, pasangan, dan anak akan terlindungi. Lalu, bagaimana sebaiknya persentase gaji bulanan Anda dibagi?

Berikut adalah penjelasan dari Godo Tjahjono, SE, M Si, RFC, praktisi bisnis dan keuangan. Persentase yang harus ditabung atau saving ratio berkisar antara 10-50 persen. Perhitungannya memerhatikan 3 aspek.

Pertama, jumlah dana tabungan yang sudah dimiliki saat ini. Kedua, besarnya cicilan yang masih ada. Ketiga, tujuan keuangan yang ingin dicapai dalam 5-25 tahun ke depan.

Dari sana, Anda bisa membagi tabungan untuk beberapa tujuan, yakni;
Pertama, Anda harus memiliki dana darurat, minimal 3-6 kali pengeluaran keluarga per bulan dalam bentuk tabungan atau pun deposito. Bila belum ada, usahakan sekuat tenaga untuk memilikinya dengan menabung dalam persentase 30-50 persen hingga dana ini terbentuk.

Kedua, bila Anda memiliki cicilan rumah dan kendaraan, usahakan besarnya jangan melebihi 30 persen dari pendapatan sehingga masih bisa berusaha untuk menyisihkan sekitar 10 persen untuk tabungan.

Ketiga, bila Anda menabung untuk biaya sekolah anak atau dana pensiun, buatlah perkiraan berapa nilai uang yang akan Anda butuhkan nanti dan menabunglah secara rutin sesuai dengan estimasi.

Karena besarnya persentase tabungan akan tergantung dari besarnya cita-cita Anda dan jangka waktu untuk melakukannya. Premi asuransi yang bisa digolongkan tabungan adalah hanya untuk produk-produk asuransi yang memiliki nilai tunai atau nilai investasi, seperti asuransi pendidikan dan pensiun.

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Konfigurasi Router Sebagai VPN server

Takeaway: If youwant to provide remote access to your network for traveling users, youdon’t have to spend a lot of money on a dedicated VPN server. If you’vealready got a Cisco IOS router, all you have to do is make the changesdescribed in this article.

As Cisco routers have about 85% of the router market, mostbusinesses today have a Cisco router connecting them to the Internet. So, whynot use that router for more than just routing? What if it could be a VPNserver to connect roaming users with laptops or home PC’s back into yourbusiness network? This article will explain to you how to do just that.

A router as a VPN Server?!

Your first objection to using a Cisco router as a VPN servermight be that you don’t want to have to install the Cisco VPN client softwareon all the remote PC’s. Every Windows PC comes with a VPN client already, soyou, like me, probably want to just use that. By using the already installedclient, you save on the time it would take to train users to download andconfigure a different VPN client. Thus, you will use the built-in Microsoft VPNclient to connect to our VPN server.

Author’s note

The configuration on your existing Internet router may becomplex. This download can’t address all the possible configurations you mayalready have in place.

By the way, for your IOS router to act as a VPN server, atall, you will need the DES or 3DES versions of the IOS. These are the versionsthat offer encryption, including the PPTP encryption we are using in theconfigurations below. The DES or 3DES versions will have a k8 or k9 in thefilename of the IOS. These features must be licensed from Cisco and are notfree, unless you already own that version of the IOS.

For the purposes of this demonstration, we will be using aCisco 2610 router as a basic PPTP VPN server. We will be demonstrating thisusing a local username/password database. The functionality is included to havethe Cisco router go to a RADIUS server (like Microsoft IAS server) andauthenticate with Windows Active Directory (AD) usernames/passwords. That typeof configuration would be ideal with any more than a handful of VPN users.However, that configuration is more complex than this entry-level document willcover. For more information is, Cisco has published a document that coversusing a Cisco IOS router with a MS IAS server for VPN.

Configuring the router

The biggest question you may have after reviewing thisconfiguration is- how does this fit in with your firewall? Well, you can use aCisco router as a firewall to with something called CBAC (Context-based access control). This isalso known as the Firewall Feature-set and you need a special version of theIOS to do this.

The following configuration shows, step by step, how to configure the Cisco IOSrouter as a MS PPTP VPN server. The goal of this configuration is so that youcan take all the defaults of the VPN client in Windows XP. All you will have todo is add a new connection, provide the name (or IP address) of the VPN server,and your username/password. Figure A shows your network will look like, in theend

On the Cisco IOS router

First you must make some changes on your router. First,you must enable VPDN (virtual private dial-up networking). This is usedfor VPN client connectivity, as opposed to site-to-site, always up, VPNconnectivity. To do so use this command:

Router(config)# vpdnenable

Create a VPDN group configured to PPTP, just like theMicrosoft VPN client will use, by default:

Router(config)# vpdn-group TEST-VPN

Router(config-vpdn)# accept-dialin

Router(config-vpdn)# protocol pptp

Router(config-vpdn)# virtual-template 1

Router(config-vpdn)# exit

Here, we will configure our interfaces to match the diagram.Naturally, your IP address configuration will vary:

Router(config)# interface ethernet0/0

Router(config-if)# ipaddress

Router(config-if)# noshutdown

Router(config)# interface ethernet0/1

Router(config-if)# ipaddress

Router(config-if)# noshutdown

Next, create your virtual-template that will apply to theinbound VPN connections. This template references the e0/1 interface for its IPaddress. It also references a pool of IP addresses that will be handed out toVPN clients. Finally, it configures thePPP encryption and authentication mechanisms to match what the Microsoft VPNclient defaults to:

Router(config)# interface Virtual-Template1

Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered Ethernet0/1

Router(config-if)# peer default ip address pool defaultpool

Router(config-if)# ppp encrypt mppe auto required

Router(config-if)# ppp authentication ms-chap ms-chap-v2

Now, create the pool of IP addresses. This pool should notalready be in use on the internal network you are connecting to:

Router(config)# iplocal pool defaultpool

After that, create a test user:

Router(config)# username test password 0 test

Finally, configure authentication for PPP to use the localdatabase. If you had a RADIUS server, this where you would point to the RADIUSserver instead of the local database:

Router(config)# aaanew-model

Router(config)# aaaauthentication ppp default local

The complete configuration looks like this:

username test password0 test

aaa new-model



aaa authentication pppdefault local


vpdn enable


vpdn-group TEST-VPN

! Default PPTP VPDNgroup

accept-dialinprotocol pptpvirtual-template 1


interface Ethernet0/0

ip address

no shutdown

interface Ethernet0/1

ip address shutdown



ip unnumbered Ethernet0/1peer default ip address pool defaultpoolppp encrypt mppe auto requiredppp authentication ms-chap ms-chap-v2


ip local pooldefaultpool

Windows client

To connect to the new PPTPVPN server from a Windows workstation, click Start | Control Panel | NetworkConnections. Click on New Connection Wizard. Click Next on thewelcome screen. Select Connect to anetwork at my workplace as shown in Figure B.

configure B

Next, select VirtualPrivate Network Connection as shown in Figure C.

Figure C

You’ll then see theConnection Name screen. Type in a name for the VPN Connection in the CompanyName field as shown in Figure D. Click Next to continue.

Figure D

Next, the VPN ServerSelection screen appears. Type in the IP address or hostname for the VPN server(your IOS router’s interface) into the Host name field. In our case, this is10.253.15.19 as you can see in Figure E.

Figure E

Take the default on thenext screen (that this is for anyone’s use) and click Next. Click Finishon the next screen. When done, you will see the screen shown in Figure F below.Type in your test username (test) and test password (test).

Figure F

Click Connect.

Once connected, you shouldsee the VPN icon in your Windows tray, at the bottom right of your screen. Ifyou open the VPN connection and click on details, you should see that youreceived an IP address from the pool, as seen in Figure G.

Figure G

You should be able to pingthe LAN side of the router (the inside, private network) and any host on thatnetwork.

That’s it!

The configuration iscomplete. Hopefully, you can take this configuration and fit it to your network,blending it with your personal Firewall, NAT, and active directoryconfiguration.